Saturday, August 28, 2010

Prinsip - prinsip latihan

prinsip latihan

latihan untuk mendapatkan tahap kecergasan fizikal yang baik hendaklah dilakukan dengan cara yang sistematik. cara bersistematik bermaksud latihan hendaklah dilakukan dengan mengamal prinsip latihan tertentu. secara asasnya, terdapat empat prinsip latihan. mudahnya, prinsip latihan dalam "bahasa pasar" bolehlah dimaksudkan sebagai cara-cara untuk berlatih.
prinsip latihan

1. ansur maju
aktiviti dilakukan secara berperingkat-peringkat daripada yang mudah kepada yang sukar. contohnya, amirul melakukan 20 kali tekan tubi bagi satu sesi latihan, tiga kali seminggu. kemudian amirul menambah bilangan ulangan sedikit demi sedikit sehingga dapat mencapai 30 kali bagi setiap sesi latihan.

2. tambah beban
beban ditambah sedikit demi sedikit bagi jangka masa tertentu. contohnya, mamat dapat berlari sejauh 1600 meter dalam masa 20 minit. jika dia ingin meningkatkan tahan daya tahan kardiovaskular, mamat perlu menambah jarak lariannya dalam masa 20 minit tadi. perlu diingatkan, tambah beban perlu dilakukan secara ansur maju.

3. kekerapan
bilangan sesi latihan yang perlu dilakukan dalam jangka masa tertentu. ini merujuk kepada bilangan latihan yang perlu dilakukan dalam sehari, seminggu, sebulan atau setahun. jangan terlalu kerap melakukan latihan kerana otot dan badan juga perlukan rehat yang mencukupi.

4. tempoh masa
jangka masa yang diperlukan untuk menjalani sesuatu sesi latihan. contohnya bagi sesi latihan untuk meningkatkan daya tahan kardiovaskular, kita memerlukan 15 hingga 30 minit. masa sesi latihan yang terlalu lama akan melesukan otot dan masa latihan yang terlalu singkat tidak akan memberi kesan yang dikehendaki.

secara keseluruhannya, prinsip latihan adalah penting untuk memastikan seseorang itu mendapat kesan latihan yang maksimum. prinsip latihan bolehlah dianalogikan kepada prinsip membuat kek (cara-cara membuat kek). kalau tak ikut "petua" ni.. tak jadilah kek kita..

Sejarah sukan

Sejarah sukan kemungkinannya bermula sejak kewujudan manusia sebagai tujuan bersukan dan makhluk aktif. Sukan merupakan cara berguna bagi manusia meningkatkan kelebihan mereka keatas alam semulajadi dan persekitaran. Sejarah sukan mampu mengajar kita banyak perkara mengerai perubahan kemasyarakatan dan mengenai sifat semulajadi sukan itu sendiri. Sukan kelihatannya membabitkan asas kemahiran manusia dikembangkan dan dilatih bagi kemahiran itu sendiri, selari dengan dilakukan kerana kegunaannya. Ia turut menunjukkan bagaimana kepercayaan masyarakat berubah dan dengan itu terdapat perubahan dalam peraturannya. Sebenarnya ketika kita pergi semakin jauh dalam sejarah bukti yang semakin sedikit menjadikan teori mengenai asal dan tujuan sukan sukar disokong. Sungguhpun begitu, kepentingannya dalam sejarah manusia tidak dapat dinafikan.

Mural kamar pengkebumian Mesir berusia sekitar 4,000 tahun, menunjukkan ahli gusti sedang beraksi.


Sukan yang telah wujud sekurang-kurangnya dua setengah ribu tahun dahulu termasuk "hurling" (menyerupaki "field hockey") di Ireland Silam, "harpastum" (sama seperti Rugbi di Rom Silam, cuju (sama seperti persatuan bolasepak) di China Silam, dan polo di Parsi Silam. Permainan bola Mesoamerika wujud lebih tiga ribu tahun dahulu.

Terdapat peninggalan dan struktur yang mencadangkan bahawa orang-orang Cina terlah terbabit dengan aktiviti sukan se awal 4000 BC. Giminastik kelihatan merupakan sukan yang popular dalam sejarah silam China. Peringatan kepada Firaun menunjukkan sejumlah sukan termasuk berenang dan mengail, adalah popular dan mempunyai peraturan beberapa ribu tahun dahulu di Mesir purba. Sukan Mesir lain termasuk melontar lembing, lompat tinggi dan gusti. Sukan Persia Silam seperti seni mempertahankan diri tradisi Iran, Zourkhaneh mempunyai kaitan rapat dengan kemahiran berperang. Antara sukan lain termasuk yang berasal dari Persia adalah polo dan tombak ("jousting").


Hermes, salah satu Dewa Olympus dan dewa para ahli sukan

Gambaran upacara sukan dapat dilihat dalam kesenian Minoan Zaman Gangsa di Crete (dari sekitar 2700 hingga 1450 BC), kebanyakannya membabitkan acara keugamaan melompat lembu dan kemungkinannya melawan lembu jantan. Homer menceritakan bahawa sukan diamalkan semasa zaman Mycenaean, antara 1600 BC dan ca. 1100 BC. Dalam Iliad terdapat gambaran panjang mengenai sukan penkebumian yang diadakan bagi menghormati pahlawan yang mati, dan terbabit dengan sukan digambarkan sebagai pekerjaan golongan bangsawaan dan yang kaya, yang tidak perlu melakukan kerja berat mereka sendiri. Dalam Odyssey, Raja Odysseus dari Ithaca membuktikan status rajanya kepada Raja Alkinoös dari Phaiakes dengan menunjukkan kemahirannya melontar javelin.



Sukan terdiri daripada aktiviti fizikal yang dilakukan untuk pelbagai tujuan untuk pertandingan, keseronokan, pembangunan, kemahiran, kecemerlangan, dan sebagainya. Perbezaan tujuan inilah yang membezakan sifat sesuatu sukan itu. Misalnya, berenang secara bersaingan di hadapan ribuan penonton akan dikira sebagai sukan tetapi berenang bersendirian di kolam atau laut dilihat sebagai aktiviti rekreasi.
Terdapat pelbagai jenis sukan, dan kebanyakannya mengorbankan masa, wang, dan keinginan manusia sama ada sebagai peserta atau pun sebagai penonton


Sukan ialah salah satu aktiviti riadah. Sebahagian besar kegiatan lapang, surat khabar, dan televisyen diberikan kepada sukan. sukan dapat juga menjadi sumber pendapatan.
Pendekatan pragmatik dalam mendefinisikan sukan ialah dengan melihat kegunaan umum istilah tersebut.
Sukan ialah aktiviti yang mengandungi:
  • Latihan kemahiran berguna secara rekreasi.
  • Peraturan-peraturan tertentu dalam mengejar kecemerlangan.
Kecemerlangan yang dimaksudkan ialah kemampuan untuk mengatasi tanda ukuran (benchmarks) terdahulu, catatan masa, rekod dunia, dan sebagainya.
Contoh-contoh kemahiran yang bertukar kepada sukan ialah:
  • Gladiator di Rom berjuang dan berbunuhan untuk penonton dan bukannya untuk melindungi empayar Rom.
  • Berlayar menjadi salah satu sukan air dan bukannya sebagai pengangkutan dan sebagainya.
  • Berlari dilakukan untuk panjang dan tempoh masa tertentu, dan bukannya untuk aktiviti-aktiviti seperti mengejar bas dan sebagainya
Sukan fizikal menggunakan sifat sifat seperti kekuatan, stamina, kelajuan, dan beberapa kemahiran lain manakala sukan-sukan lain contohnya iaitu sukan akal menggunakan kemahiran berfikir seperti pemikiran strategik dalam catur. Walaubagaimanapun, rencana ini akan menumpukan perhatian kepada aspek fizikal sesuatu sukan.
Perbezaan antara sukan, permainan, dan latihan. Aktiviti itu dikira sukan jika melibatkan peserta yang berkemahiran. Permainan pula tidak mempunyai tujuan yang jelas tetapi boleh berubah kepada sukan. Latihan pula ialah aktiviti yang bertujuan membina kemahiran dan kemampuan seseorang dalam aktiviti sukan.


Sejarah pembangunan sukan boleh mengajar kita mengenai perubahan sosial yang berlaku dan sifat sukan tersebut. Untuk itu, kita akan kembali ke masa lampau sehingga zaman pra sejarah untuk mengkaji sukan dan manusia.


Semangat kesukanan menggambarkan aspirasi atau etos yang aktiviti sukan itu akan dinikmati semata-mata kerananya tetapi selalunya tekanan pertandingan, kejayaan individu, atau pengenalan pada teknologi akan menyebabkan perkara yang sebaliknya berlaku pada peserta. Dengan kata lain, dalam sesuatu pertandingan, kekalahan akan menyebabkan rasa kecewa dan kesedihan.
Penggiat sukan rekreasi selalunya akan mendapatkan pengiktirafan sebagai satu jenis sukan daripada persatuan sukan seperti Jawatankuasa Olimpik Antarabangsa (IOC) atau dengan mewujudkan badan penyelaras mereka sendiri. Dengan ini, sukan berubah daripada aktiviti rekreasi kepada sukan yang lebih formal. Contoh sukan yang baru muncul ialah berbasikal BMX, meluncur dan sebagainya.

TEAM MALAYSIA @ 3rd Asian Indoor Games Hanoi 2009 October 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

AIG III: Cabaran skuad futsal negara bermula
SKUAD futsal lelaki dan wanita kebangsaan akan turun beraksi pada perlawanan pertama mereka pada temasya Sukan Dalam Dewan Asia 2009 (AIG III) di Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam petang ini.
Skuad lelaki yang dibimbing P. Balakrishnan akan bertemu Vietnam pada aksi sulung Kumpulan C pada pukul 5 petang ini (waktu Malaysia) sebelum turun menentang Jordan (Jumaat) dan Bahrain (Ahad).
Malaysia perlu menamatkan saingan peringkat kumpulan di dua tangga teratas untuk mara ke suku akhir, pencapaian yang dicatat pada edisi sebelumnya di Macau pada 2007.
Skuad wanita pula yang dibimbing Chiew Chun Yong bakal turun pada perlawanan sulung dalam Kumpulan B bertemu Jordan pada pukul 5 petang ini (waktu Malaysia) sebelum menentang Vietnam (Jumaat) dan Thailand (Ahad).
Dua pasukan teratas Kumpulan A dan B terus layak ke separuh akhir kerana kategori wanita disertai lapan pasukan.
Skuad lelaki negara dianggotai tiga tonggak senior, Addie Azwan Zainal, Fadhil Yusoff dan Jamhuri Zainuddin serta pemain-pemain lain iaitu Firdaus Razali, Safar Mohamad, Ruzaley Abd. Aziz, R. Deventhiran, Fairus Mohd. Noor, Muizzudin Haris, Qaiser Heshaam Kadir dan Fadzil Karnim.
Turut disenaraikan tiga muka baru iaitu Khairul Rizuan Harif Pagilah, Hafis Awang dan Khairil Effendy Bahrin.
Skuad wanita negara pula menampilkan enam pemain dari skuad Sukan SEA 2007 iaitu Nor Diana Hamid, Shahila Yunus, Farahiyah Ridzuan, Noor Asyikin Mohamad Noor, Siti Norazizah Jamal dan Nurul Aishah Mohd. Nor.
Baki lapan lagi pemain terdiri daripada Denisa Khoo Fern Ying, Angela Kais, Rina Jordana Adnan, Steffi Sarge Kaur, Noorha- yanti Salleh, Rebecca Jane Harding, Farhana Abdullah dan Nor Faizah Md. Akair.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

AIG III: Skuad futsal negara sasar pusingan kedua

SKUAD futsal lelaki dan wanita kebangsaan meletakkan sasaran untuk melepasi saingan peringkat kumpulan pada temasya Sukan Dalam Dewan Asia 2009 (AIG III) di Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam yang akan bermula Rabu depan.

Pengurus skuad futsal kebangsaan, Hamidin Mohd. Amin berkata, skuad lelaki diharap sekurang-kurangnya mengulangi kejayaan ke suku akhir pada edisi 2007 di Macau manakala skuad wanita yang terkandas pada peringkat kumpulan ketika itu berpeluang cerah ke separuh akhir kali ini.

"Dua tahun lalu, skuad lelaki tewas kepada Uzbekistan pada suku akhir. Diharap kehadiran beberapa pemain baru dapat meningkatkan prestasi pasukan dan kita dapat memperbaiki rekod tersebut di Vietnam nanti.

"Bagi skuad wanita pula, mereka telah mendapat bebe- rapa pemain baru yang berkualiti dan akan digabung dengan beberapa senior dari skuad Sukan SEA 2007.

"Saya lihat prestasi mereka kini lebih mantap," katanya pada sidang media di Hotel Hilton, Petaling Jaya malam kelmarin.

Pada AIG III nanti, skuad lelaki negara yang diundi dalam Kumpulan C akan bertemu Vietnam pada 28 Okto- ber diikuti Jordan (30 Okto- ber) dan Bahrain (1 November).

Dua pasukan teratas akan mara ke suku akhir.

Senarai 14 pemain lelaki dianggotai tiga tonggak senior, Addie Azwan Zainal, Fadhil Yusoff dan Jamhuri Zainuddin serta pemain-pemain lain iaitu Firdaus Razali, Safar Mohamad, Ruzaley Abd. Aziz, R. Deventhiran, Fairus Mohd. Noor, Muizzudin Haris, Qaiser Heshaam Kadir dan Fadzil Karnim.

Turut disenaraikan, tiga muka baru iaitu Khairul Rizuan Harif Pagilah, Hafis Awang dan Khairil Effendy Bahrin.

"Skuad kita kali ini ramai pemain muda. Mereka telah menampilkan prestasi yang amat baik sepanjang dua bulan latihan ini," kata jurulatih skuad lelaki, P. Balakrishnan.

Skuad wanita pula yang dibimbing Chiew Chun Yong diundi dalam Kumpulan B dan akan bertemu Jordan pada 28 Oktober, Vietnam (30 Oktober) dan Thailand (1 November).

Dua pasukan teratas akan layak ke separuh akhir.

Hanya enam pemain wanita dari skuad Sukan SEA 2007 masih dikekalkan iaitu Nor Diana Hamid, Shahila Yunus, Farahiyah Ridzuan, Noor Asyikin Mohamad Noor, Siti Norazizah Jamal dan Nurul Aishah Mohd. Nor.

Baki lapan pemain terdiri daripada tenaga baru iaitu Denisa Khoo Fern Ying, Angela Kais, Rina Jordana Adnan, Steffi Sarge Kaur, Noorhayanti Salleh, Rebecca Jane Harding, Farhana Abdullah dan Nor Faizah Md. Akair.


Futsal is a variant of association football that is played on a smaller playing surface and mainly played indoors. Its name is derived from the Portuguese futebol de salão and the Spanish fútbol de salón (colloquially fútbol sala), which can be translated as "hall football" or "indoor football". During the sport's second world championships held in Madrid in 1985, the name fútbol de salón was used. Since then, all other names have been officially and internationally changed to futsal.

Futsal is played between two teams of five players, one of whom is the goalkeeper. Unlimited substitutes per team are permitted. Unlike some other forms of indoor football, the game is played on a hard court surface delimited by lines; walls or boards are not used. Futsal is also played with a smaller ball with less bounce than a regular football The rules create an emphasis on improvisation, creativity and technique as well as ball control and passing in small spaces


Futsal started in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1930, when Juan Carlos Ceriani created a version of football for competition in YMCAs. In Brazil, this version developed on the streets of São Paulo, and, eventually, a rule book was published. The sport began to spread across South America, and its popularity ensured that a governing body was formed under the name of FIFUSA (Federación Internacional de Fútbol de Salón) in 1971, along with the World Championships. The first FIFUSA World Championships were held in São Paulo, with hosts Brazil crowned champions ahead of Paraguay and Uruguay. Even more countries participated in the second World Championships held in Madrid in 1985.[3] Due to a dispute between FIFA and FIFUSA over the administration of fútbol, FIFUSA coined the word fut-sal in 1985.

FIFA took control of the World Championships in 1989. Under new rules made by FIFA, the technical aspects of the game for players and spectators were improved. The linesmen were replaced with a second referee, and there were unlimited substitutions. It also introduced a size 4 football, which was weighted to reduce bounce by 30% compared to a conventional ball, which enabled faster play and, for the first time, scoring goals with the head.

Brazil - Argentina futsal game

FIFA's relationships with its member associations allowed more countries to gain knowledge and resources about futsal. FIFA soon began to administer its own indoor football games, hosting its first FIFA Indoor Soccer World Championship in 1989 in Rotterdam, Netherlands. In 1992, it was the FIFA Five-a-Side World Championship (Hong Kong), and, since 1996, it has been called the FIFA Futsal World Championship. Thanks to the increase of the number of nations that participated in the FIFA Futsal World Championships held in 2000, Brazil's dominance in the competition was ended by Spain

In 2004, members of PANAFUTSAL (La Confederación Panamericana de Futsal, The Pan-American Futsal Confederation) formed AMF (Asociación Mundial de Fútbol de Salón, World Futsal Association), an international futsal governing body independent of FIFA. Both FIFA and AMF continue to administer the game

As international governing bodies of futsal, FIFA and AMF are responsible for maintaining and promulgating the official rules of their respective versions of futsal. Like football, futsal has laws that define all aspects of the game, including what may be changed to suit local competitions and leagues. There are seventeen laws in the Futsal Laws of the Game

The Brazil national futsal team line up before a match.

There are five players on each team, one of whom is the goalkeeper. The maximum number of substitutes allowed is seven, with unlimited substitutions during the match. Substitutes can come on even when the ball is in play. If a team has fewer than three players in the team, the match is abandoned.

The kit is made up of a jersey or shirt with sleeves, shorts, socks, shinguards made out of rubber or plastic, and shoes with rubber soles. The goalkeeper is allowed to wear long trousers and a different coloured kit, to distinguish himself from the other players in the team and the referee. Jewelery is not allowed, as are other items that could be dangerous to the player wearing the effects or to other active participants.

The match is controlled by a referee, who enforces the Laws of the Game, and the first referee is the only one who can abandon the match because of interference from outside the pitch. This referee is also assisted by a second referee. The decisions made by the referees are final and can only be changed if the referees think it is necessary and play has not restarted. There is also a third referee and a timekeeper, who are provided with equipment to keep a record of fouls in the match. In the event of injury to the referee or second referee, the third referee will replace the second referee.


The pitch is made up of wood or artificial material, although any flat, smooth and non-abrasive material may be used. The length of the pitch is in the range of 38–42 m (42-46 yd), and the width is in the range of 18-25 m in international matches. For other matches, it can be 25-42 m (27-46 yd)in length, while the width can be 15-25 m (16-27 yd), as long as the length of the longer boundary lines (touchlines) are greater than the shorter boundaries where the goals are placed (goal lines). The ceiling must be at least 4 m (4 yd) high. A rectangular goal is positioned at the middle of each goal line. The inner edges of the vertical goal posts must be 3 m (3 yd) apart, and the lower edge of the horizontal crossbar supported by the goal posts must be 2 m (2.2 yd) above the ground. Nets made of hemp, jute or nylon are attached to the back of the goalposts and crossbar. The lower part of the nets is attached to curved tubing or another suitable means of support. The depth of the goal is 80 cm at the top and 1 m at the bottom.

A futsal arena in Tokyo

In front of each goal is an area known as the penalty area. This area is created by drawing quarter-circles with a 6 m (7 yd) radius from the goal line, centred on the goalposts. The upper part of each quarter-circle is then joined by a 3.16 m (3.46 yd) line running parallel to the goal line between the goalposts. The line marking the edge of the penalty area is known as the penalty area line.[16] The penalty area marks where the goalkeeper is allowed to touch the ball with his hands. The penalty mark is six metres from the goal line when it reaches the middle of the goalposts. The second penalty mark is 10 metres (11 yd) from the goal line when it reaches the middle of the goalposts. A penalty kick from the penalty spot is awarded if a player commits a foul inside the penalty area. The second penalty spot is used if a player commits his team's sixth foul in the opposing team's half or in his own half in the area bordered by the halfway line and an imaginary line parallel to the halfway line passing through the second penalty mark; the free kick is taken from the second penalty mark


A standard match consists of two equal periods of 20 minutes. The length of either half is extended to allow penalty kicks to be taken or a direct free kick to be taken against a team that has committed more than five fouls. The halftime interval between the two halves cannot exceed 15 minutes.

In some competitions, the game cannot end in a draw, so away goals, extra time and penalties are the three methods for determining the winner after a match has been drawn. Away goals mean that if the team's score is level after playing one home and one away game, the goals scored in the away match count as double. Extra time consists of two periods of five minutes. If no winner is produced after these methods, five penalties are taken, and the team that has scored the most wins. If it is not decided after five penalties, it continues to go on with one extra penalty to each team at a time until one of them has scored more goals than the other. Unlike extra time, the goals scored in a penalty shoot-out do not count towards the goals scored throughout the match


At the beginning of the match, a coin toss is used to decide who will start the match. A kick-off is used to signal the start of play and is also used at the start of the second half and any periods of extra time. It is also used after a goal has been scored, with the other team starting the play. After a temporary stoppage for any reason not mentioned in the Laws of the Game, the referee will drop the ball where the play was stopped, provided that, prior to the stoppage, the ball was in play and had not crossed either the touch lines or goal lines.

If the ball goes over the goal line or touchline, hits the ceiling, or the play is stopped by the referee, the ball is out of play. If it hits the ceiling of an indoor arena, play is restarted with a kick-in to the opponents of the team that last touched the ball, under the place where it hit the ceiling


Players are cautioned with a yellow card and sent off with a red card.

A direct free kick can be awarded to the opposing team if a player succeeds or attempts to kick or trip an opponent, jumps, charges or pushes an opponent, or strikes or attempts to strike an opponent. Holding, touching or spitting at an opponent are offenses that are worthy of a direct free kick, as are sliding in to play the ball while an opponent is playing it or carrying, striking or throwing the ball (except the goalkeeper). These are all accumulated fouls. The direct free kick is taken where the infringement occurred, unless it is awarded to the defending team in their penalty area, in which case the free kick may be taken from anywhere inside the penalty area. A penalty kick is awarded if a player commits one of the fouls that are worthy of a direct free kick inside his own penalty area. The position of the ball does not matter as long as it is in play.

An indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team if a goalkeeper clears the ball but then touches it with his hands before anyone else, if he controls the ball with his hands when it has been kicked to him by a teammate, or if he touches or controls the ball with his hands or feet in his own half for more than four seconds. An indirect free kick is also awarded to the opposing team if a player plays in a dangerous manner, deliberately obstructs an opponent, prevents the goalkeeper from throwing the ball with his hands or anything else for which play is stopped to caution or dismiss a player. The indirect free kick is taken from the place where the infringement occurred.

Yellow and red cards are both used in futsal. The yellow card is to caution players over their actions, and, if they get two, they are given a red card, which means they are sent off the field. A yellow card is shown if a player shows unsporting behaviour, dissent, persistent infringement of the Laws of the Game, delaying the restart of play, failing to respect the distance of the player from the ball when play is being restarted, infringement of substitution procedure or entering, re-entering and leaving the pitch without the referee's permission. A player is shown the red card and sent off if they engage in serious foul play, violent conduct, spitting at another person, or denying the opposing team a goal by handling the ball (except the goalkeeper inside his penalty area). Also punishable with a red card is denying an opponent moving towards the player's goal a goalscoring opportunity by committing an offence punishable by a free kick or a penalty kick and using offensive, insulting or abusive language or gestures. A player who has been sent off must leave the vicinity of the pitch. A substitute player is permitted to come on two minutes after a teammate has been sent off, unless a goal is scored before the end of the two minutes. If a team of five players scores against a team of fewer than five players, another player can be added to the team with fewer than five players. If the teams are equal when the goal is scored or if the team with fewer players scores, both teams remain with the same number of players


As of August 23, 2010, the top 20 teams according to the ELO-based rankings are:

# Team Points

1 Brazil 1990

2 Spain 1946

3 Italy 1757

4 Iran 1655

5 Russia 1646

6 Portugal 1604

7 Argentina 1487

8 Ukraine 1463

9 Serbia 1413

10 Czech Republic 1383

11 Paraguay 1354

12 Thailand 1353

13 Romania 1351

14 Japan 1350

15 Belarus 1317

16 Uzbekistan 1314

17 Azerbaijan 1302

18 Slovakia 1283
19 United States 1268

20 Belgium 1259